Evolve's approach

Our approach

It’s time to stop focusing on problems in your community and bring attention to your strengths

The problem with problems

Every community will always have a set of challenges or problems. Focusing on ‘fixing’ these things will never be as effective as building on our strengths.

Because what you focus on you get. Right?

When we focus on strengths our problems don’t disappear, but they become more manageable, less noisy.

We bet your community has some incredible strengths just waiting to be nurtured.


Our projects always...

Work with your community's strengths

Every community has a set of strengths which often lie unrecognised and under-utiised. Our processes all draw out and build upon local strengths ensuring local people own the local solutions.

Build a map for the future

Often communities know where they want to get to but are unsure how to get there. Our strategic plans are a guide for communities to implement the change they want to see.

Build capability and enhance collaboration

While government's have highlighted the need for collaborative partnerships in funding applications for decades a savvy grant assessor will know that there is collaboration (on paper) and real, demonstrated collaboration.
What is the difference?
While the best of intentions are often present during the development of collaborative relationships, once economic rationalisation, personalities and varying community and organisational pressures settle the partnerships often don't last beyond the ink drying on the funding contract.
Not only do our processes build in capability across a range of topics, they ensure collaborative opportunities are made throughout any delivery.

You won't want to miss...

Social Impact in the Regions 2024

Social Impact in the Regions is designed by regional social impact practitioners for regional social impact practitioners. Join us in Kempsey, NSW 4-6 September 2024 to connect with likeminded practitioners, learn skills to strengthen your work in social impact and to refresh.

Projects to watch...

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